5 Things Wrong With Porn

What is wrong with pornography? Penetration of pornography into mass culture and the sexualization of society is a phenomena which we can no longer turn a blind eye to. Just like computerization has become a part of our daily operations, so has pornography.

Argument One: More broadly, we are a consumer society. We consume various products. From eating in restaurants, sitting in front of the tv or even reading a book. There is nothing wrong with these things, after all, you need to consume. Many people are unaware of consumption and  it becomes the meaning of their life. Absorbed by consuming and the outside world we rarely have the opportunity to look inside ourselves so that we can do meaningful things. In formulating this matter further, world phenomena distracts us from ourselves, which ultimately distracts us from our inner truth. And it is easy to lose it.

Argument Two: I would like to suggest that just because it’s an easy solution doesn’t make it necessarily the best solution. It is much easier to seclude yourself with porn and unload your sexual desire than it is to build a lasting relationship with another person. Browsing and clicking is also much easier than picking up women in the club. This generation of young men are taught that they do not have to work and strive for a relationship, but the total opposite! It may seem easier and less of a stress, but it actually hurts us deeper than we know. Porn also stimulates laziness.

Argument Three, which is obvious: There is a group of people who are prone to addiction. It is different for everybody such as pornography, alcohol, tobacco or gambling. These addictions are things that can be exciting as well as helping with discharging tension. But it doesn’t make it ok and the addict always wants more! For example, finding stronger sexual stimuli, when you get bored with “ordinary” pornography leads to a change in sexual preferences. Often those sexual preferences are inconsistent with our self-image and values. The impact of pornography on the risk group is huge and I’m facing it every day.

Argument Four: The porn industry is not sufficiently regulated! As a result, the actors are often exposed to unsanitary conditions. They also are forced by crossing the boundaries of what is agreed upon leading to the loss of health and life. Even the best industries test for HIV every two weeks, which gives some sense of security, but in actiuality does not prevent the spread of the disease at all. In summary, one can die from your pleasure.

Argument Five: there is a link between Erectile Dysfunction and the extensive use of pornography. This is related to the amount of incentives and stimulation that a pornographic movie encourages a guy who is watching. Even the most poorly promiscuous sex acts can contribute to Erectile Dysfunction due to: a) the approximation of the camera in order to get the most exciting shot, b) make-up of stars and graphic processing of the material, c) Viagra used by actors and other measures, which affects the length of the act.

Argument Six: what we unconsciously consume affects our way of looking at the world. In this sense, viewing pornography can affect having unrealistic expectations of sex and relationships.

Now think about what you would like to invest into your sexual energy. Do you want to invest your time having awesome sex with your partner or watching other people having it in front of the camera (who do not necessarily have a good time). Make informed choices. Just as with eating, smoking or drinking. Think about what you seek and whether your choices are consistent with your goals. What you consume affects you whether it is negative or positive. Everyone has their own path to a healthy sexuality. I encourage every step you take, to make a conscious choice and ultimately a choice that will fill your life with more happiness, which  is what we all need as human beings.

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